Annikas Keramik Atelier

Welcome to Annikas Keramik Atelier

The clay is speaking through my hands, telling me wonderful stories about once upon a time....
I let my hands find their way and my mind follows.

The roots of an old tree, its crooked bowed branches... the fresh green leafs that grows in the spring which later on takes on the most beautiful colors of autumn, bevor falling down and returning to mother earth...the natural wonder! Under my hands grows a fascinating organic object; it breaths calmness and ancient knowlegde. The Clay, the first carrier of our DNA, the key to Life.

The Clay and I

I was born in the sixties in Stockholm. The first contact I had with clay was at school. I still remember how fascinated I was of it and all that you could do with it. The colors before and the transformation after it was burned was a real mystery.

With time, the clay and I sometimes got out of touch, but luckily always managed to reconnect again. Since 2005 thou, we have stayed in constant dialog.
I get my inspirations from the natur, the organic forms. Architecture is also fascinating me, and is a reoccurring theme in my work.

© 2024 Annikas Keramik Atelier